Higher Education

Common Challenges Faced by At-Risk College Students

University can be a trying time for all students, but especially those who are struggling to keep up. At-risk students often face academic challenges, such as difficulty keeping up with the curriculum, struggling with time management, and feeling overwhelmed by the demands of college life. Understanding these challenges is the first step to helping these students overcome them and achieve student success. 

challenges faced by at-risk college students

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At-risk students can be broadly defined as individuals facing heightened barriers to academic success. They're typically identified by declining grades, poor attendance, lack of student engagement, and other indicators that signal potential difficulties in their institutional journey. 

A number of research studies substantiate that these signs of disengagement are precursors to dropping out, and students may advertise their intentions fairly early on. As Robert Balfanz, a researcher with Johns Hopkins University, stated, some students are "waving their hands wildly saying 'if you don't do something drastic, I'm not going to graduate.'" The key to reducing the dropout rate is to notice these behaviors and intervene at a stage when there is a chance for correction.

It's important to recognize that these students are not defined by their struggles but by their potential. By acknowledging their unique needs and circumstances, educators and institutions can better tailor support systems and resources, helping at-risk students overcome the obstacles they face on their path to personal achievement. With that said, let's talk about the challenges these students face–and how schools can help overcome them to achieve student success.


Challenges Faced By At-Risk Students

College life is often perceived as an exciting journey toward personal and scholastic growth. However, for some students, this path can be strewn with unique and often formidable challenges, increasing their risk of falling behind. Understanding the difficulties they encounter is essential to providing the support needed to help them succeed.

Academic Challenges

  • Difficulty keeping up with coursework: At-risk students may frequently struggle to keep up with the demands of higher education. They may be struggling in a specific class, find challenges in test-taking, or need academic support across the board. 

  • Time management issues: Effective time management is crucial, but many students grapple with this skill. They may have additional responsibilities like work or family obligations or struggle to balance their social life with collegiate responsibilities. 

  • Lack of support systems: Some students lack the necessary support systems that can play a significant role in their course success. This might be due to social or family circumstances, leaving them without a safety net to fall back on during challenging times.

  • Lack of motivation and interest: Some students struggle with motivation and interest in their classes. This can impact their engagement and effort in class, leading to academic challenges.


  • Transportation barriers: Some students encounter transportation challenges, making it difficult to commute to campus. This can lead to attendance issues and affect their overall collegiate experience, student experience, and grades.

  • Limited access to resources: Accessibility to educational resources like financial aid, textbooks, and tutoring services can be hindered by financial constraints. At-risk students could struggle to afford textbooks or access tutoring when needed.

Financial Struggles

  • Tuition and textbook costs: The high cost of tuition and textbooks can be a substantial barrier for low-income students. These financial burdens can result in the need to work long hours or take on multiple jobs, leaving less time for studying.

  • Balancing work and school: Many students must work to support themselves and their families while attending school. This juggling act inside and outside the classroom can lead to exhaustion and difficulty focusing.

Mental Health and Well-being

  • Stress and anxiety: The pressure to succeed can lead to significant stress and anxiety for students at risk. These mental health challenges can hinder academic performance. Students could have pre-existing mental health conditions that make focusing more challenging, impeding their educational progress.

Social and Cultural Isolation

  • Lack of belonging: A sense of belonging can be essential for student success. Students may struggle to find their place in the college community, especially if they feel they're falling behind their peers. 


The Impact of These Challenges

The challenges faced by at-risk students aren't confined to mere inconveniences; they have far-reaching consequences that can significantly impact their educational journeys and future prospects. Understanding the profound implications of these challenges is vital for schools and educators, as it underscores the urgency of effectively providing support and resources.

Increased Dropout Rates

Only 28% of at-risk students graduate within six years, compared to 57% of all students.

One of the most concerning outcomes of at-risk challenges is the heightened risk of students to drop out. Students grappling with academic, financial, and emotional challenges may become overwhelmed, eventually leading to disengagement and withdrawal from their collegiate pursuits. This not only hampers their personal growth but also incurs a significant cost for universities in terms of lost tuition and potential talent.

Limited Career Prospects

The challenges at-risk students face can have a lasting impact on their future career prospects. When students don't complete their degrees or struggle to maintain educational progress, it can limit their access to job opportunities and hinder their career advancement. A lack of a degree or relevant skills can leave them in lower-paying jobs, perpetuating the cycle of financial struggle.

Long-Term Consequences

The challenges faced by these groups of students can have a profound impact on their overall well-being and life trajectory. Struggles with mental health, academic performance, and financial stability can affect their self-esteem, self-worth, and overall quality of life. These long-term consequences are not confined to four years but can persist well into adulthood.

Recognizing the profound and lasting impact of at-risk challenges underscores the critical importance of targeted interventions and support systems. Institutions and educators must take a proactive role in addressing these challenges to ensure that all students have a fair opportunity to succeed in their educational pursuits.


Supporting Students At Risk with QuadC

QuadC's early alert program is a cornerstone of our commitment to achieving student success. This program serves as an early warning system that identifies students who may be struggling academically or facing other challenges. Faculty members and advisors are informed of automatic alerts from the system when it flags a student as at-risk. This is determined based on signs of difficulty, such as missed classes, declining grades, or decreased engagement. Once an alert is issued, our system gives educators the tools to provide immediate student support.

By identifying issues early on, educators can swiftly implement campus resources tailored to support students according to their specific needs. This might include offering personalized learning paths, connecting students with advisors during office hours, or getting students involved in peer mentoring. Our goal is not just to address scholastic problems but to create a supportive environment that fosters the retention and overall well-being of at-risk students.


Student Success to Graduation

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